NOTE: Registration for the Mini-Marathon closes on April 28 so be quick!
VHI Women's Mini-Marathon 2017
Registration for this year's VHI Women's Mini-Marathon on June 5th is now open.
If you are interested in raising much needed funds for the IHLTA by participating in the event this year, our sponsorship cards are now available. Please message the page or, alternatively, email
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to obtain cards.
Refreshments for IHLTA participants will be served after the event.
Quiz Night - May 5 2017
IHLTA supporter Marian Kennedy is running a quiz night in McLean's Pub, Ballyscannell (near Grange in North Sligo) at 9.30pm on May 5 2017.
€20 for a table of 4/5 people. There will be a raffle and spot prizes on the night.
Proceeds will go to the Association. All welcome. We wish you all the best, Marian!
Annual Service Photographs
A gallery of photographs from our Annual Service of Thanksgiving & Remembrance is available on Facebook.
You do not need to be a member of Facebook to view this content - simply follow this link and navigate through the page accordingly:
Annual General Meeting 2017
The Annual General Meeting of the IHLTA will take place in the Pillar Room of the Mater Hospital at 12 noon on Saturday May 13.
All welcome.
25th Annual Service of Thanksgiving & Remembrance
Our 25th Annual Service of Thanksgiving and Remembrance will be held in the Chapel of the Mater Misericordiae University Hospital on 18 February 2017at 12 Noon.
It is dedicated with respect and humility to all organ donors and their families who by their goodness and compassion give others the gift of life.
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