Irish Heart and Lung Transplant Association

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IHLTA Facebook Page

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In the last 6 months, the number of people who ‘like’ our Facebook page has increased from 900 to in excess of 1,200. Hopefully our new followers are enjoying the content and have found our posts to be of interest or some benefit to them.

Do you know anyone who might find the IHLTA Facebook page useful? Perhaps someone awaiting a transplant, or indeed someone in the immediate post-transplant period?

Although we endeavour to update this website on a regular basis, the Facebook page is the most up-to-date platform through which you can engage with the IHLTA. On it, we strive to respond to messages within a few moments and content is uploaded several times per week.

Please note, you need not be a member of Facebook to access the IHLTA Page. It can be viewed by clicking:

Have a browse and let us know what you think!
