Irish Heart and Lung Transplant Association

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Transplantation Masterclass

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Transplantation Masterclass : LIVING YOUR BEST LIFE !


Date: Tuesday 9th April 2019 


Location: Level 6 St Cecelia’s Meeting Room, Whitty Building.


Time:  2pm – 4pm.


Interactive Sessions: Specialist Nurses, Physiotherapist, Pharmacist, Medical Social Worker.


Open to Heart and Lung Transplant Recipients and Caregivers.


As number are limited, booking is required, please contact the Heart and Lung Transplant Unit.


Refreshments sponsored by the Irish Heart and Lung Transplant Association

Cardiac Disease in the Young

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We have been asked to share a link to the following research :


Some of you may find it helpful. 

Last Updated on Wednesday, 06 November 2019 20:56

IHLTA Annual Service - Saturday February 16 2019

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Annual Service – Important Notice

The IHLTA have been advised that individuals cannot attend the Annual Service in the below circumstances:

-If they have not had their flu vaccination (this needs to be at least 2 weeks prior).

- If they have signs and symptoms of respiratory infection, which includes:
productive cough
unexplained fatigue

-If they are less than three months post transplant (while we appreciate that said individuals may have a particular desire to attend), standard protocol for this period is to avoid contact with large groups/crowds.

-If they have been advised to continue to wear a mask/avoid public places by the team.

We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause, but ultimately, it is for the best interests of all present.

We look forward to seeing you all this Saturday.


The service, as always, takes place in the Chapel of the Mater Hospital at 12 noon. Refreshments will be served afterwards in the atrium of the Whitty Wing (beside Phlebotomy).

IHLTA News - January 2019

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Behind the Scenes at the IHLTA

- Meeting with Mater Hospital Management

Committee members met with senior management figures from the Mater Hospital on December 11th past to discuss issues relating to the transplant concerns. Present from the hospital were Lars Nolke, John Walsh, Michelle Murray, Emer Joyce, Jim O’Neill and Jim Egan.
The Association were represented by Robert McCutcheon, Gerry Scully, Shay McConnell and Ciara Craig.

The meeting was arranged in order to raise several matters that were causing concern to the Committee and the Association members - The availability of post heart transplant expertise, some members are being referred to A+E or their GP is the consultant is unavailable on that day. Overcrowding in the lung clinic , lateness of clinic start were also up for discussion.

Overall the meeting was very positive.

- Ramifications of a ‘Hard Brexit’

The IHLTA has been made aware of concerns relating to possible drug supply issues in the event of a disorderly Brexit. As such the committee has written to the Department of Health to clarify the issue ASAP.

- Golf Outing

We are organising a golf outing for the Eddie Kelly (a former heart transplant recipient). It will take place in Newlands Golf Course on Friday May 25, 2019.


Our AGM will take place on Saturday May 8, 2019. Venue TBA.

- IHLTA Annual Service

Our Annual Service of Thanksgiving & Remembrance is scheduled for Saturday February 16, 2019. As always, it will be held in the Chapel of the Mater Hospital at 12 noon. All welcome. Refreshments will be served afterwards in the Atrium of the Whitty Building.
Last Updated on Monday, 28 January 2019 16:26

Annual Service - Saturday February 16

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IHLTA Annual Service of Thanksgiving & Remembrance

Our annual service will take place in the Chapel of the Mater Hospital at 12 noon on Saturday February 16, 2019.

All welcome.

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