A young Mother recently received an artificial heart in a first time operation performed in this country in the Mater Hospital. The mother of four was deemed unsuitable for transplant because of a blood disorder. Surgeons decided to offer her a new technology, which is normally used to buy time for people waiting for a transplant.
This pump is regarded as a destination treatment, and she is likely to have it for life unless other medical advances in the future make her suitable for a transplant. This new device is called Left ventricular device (LVAD). It is a battery operated mechanical pump-type appliance that is surgically fitted to help maintain the pumping action of a heart that is unable to work effectually on its own.The Pump is carried in a shoulder bag containing the batteries and electronic controls for the implanted device. This device cost €90,000.
Professor Freddie Wood said up to 3000 people around the world have been implanted with this device which is mostly used as a bridge to transplant.
He commended her courage for going ahead with the eight hour operation. She has since made a good recovery and is now at home with her family.
We at IHLTA wish her and her family well.